Your son is the best source of information about assignments and activity in class. The Power School Parent Portal provides parents with detailed, up-to-date information about student grades and attendance.All teachers utilize Canvas as their Learning Management System (LMS). These LMS's contain all necessary course information, including upcoming assignments and due dates. For grades, however, please refer to Power School.All Middle School teachers use Class Dojo to share information about your student, as well as Class Stories. 6th Grade teachers will also use Class Dojo for reminders and announcements. The 7th and 8th Grade team uses the Remind App to send a general update each week and several of the teachers use the app to send more specific classroom information about assignments, tests, due dates, etc. These applications will send information about classes right to your phone!
If you need to speak with one or more of your son’s teachers, please feel free to call us through the Main Office (919-664-5644) or email one or more teachers directly by finding their e-mail from the staff directory. If you contact an individual teacher with a specific question about that class, you will receive a response from that teacher within 24 hours. If you email one or more of the team of teachers with a general question about several classes, one teacher will respond on behalf of the entire team. We are all in this together - parents, students, and teachers - with the same goal of helping your young man achieve his best. We look forward to working with you and your young man towards that shared goal.
Grading Plan & Academic Integrity
Bathroom/Water Breaks
Bathroom/Water-In an effort to maximize instructional time and minimize distractions during class and in our halls, we ask that students use the bathroom and get water BEFORE school, BETWEEN classes, DURING LUNCH and AFTER school. Please know that we will work with students who have extenuating circumstances i.e. (medical issues, emergencies, etc.). In addition, we implement the 10/10 rule in class. Students should not go to the bathroom during the first or last 10 minutes of class.
Technology Use
6th Grade - Phones are to be kept in lockers unless directed otherwise.
7th and 8th Grade- In order to maximize classroom instruction, teachers will collect phones at the beginning of each class and store them in a secure location inside the room until the end of the class period. Students may use the phone in the office for emergencies.